How to Turn Negative Reviews into Positive

Negative reviews are just a part of owning a business, but what’s the best way to respond to them? Do you worry and obsess over every customer interaction? Or do you just ignore the reviews, sure that others will too? Do you try to delete the comment so it won’t deter other potential customers?

No–there’s a better way!

The good news is that a negative review doesn’t have to be a negative for you. In fact, here are 4 ways that you can turn the negative into a positive for your business and customers.


Negative Reviews are an Opportunity to Show you Care

A negative review is a perfect opportunity for you to show off the character of your brand. Take the time to read through the review and give an appropriate response to the customer’s concerns. A kind and well-timed response to a negative comment can turn a ‘no’ into a ‘yes’ and make a repeat customer out of someone who had written off the brand. More than that, it can give other satisfied customers a sense of pride in their choice to support your business.


Negative Reviews Shed Light on Problems

Each review, whether good or bad, presents an opportunity to learn. Often, negative reviews can reveal issues that, without that person’s experience, wouldn’t have come to light.

These complaints can lead to new content on your free blog, explaining how their problem can be solved. Or a new product line or service offered to soothe their pain point. If the person has complaints about the website, it could be time to update it and clarify your message.

Take the feedback, thank them for their response, and let them know that you will be making changes based on their experience. Sometimes the smallest tweaks to a website, a floor plan, or customer service training can make the biggest difference for your customers and your bottom line.


Negative Reviewers Can Become Repeat Customers

After thanking the reviewer for their comments, consider giving them something for free–invite them back so you can try and change their minds.

Alternatively, after you’ve made an important change based on their review, let them know and ask them for an updated review based on the changes you’ve made. You might be surprised by the reviewer’s willingness to try again.

By spending a little extra time caring for this negative review, you might just turn them into a lifelong advocate for your brand!


Every Review is Important

The truth is that websites with more reviews, even if some of them are negative, tend to be ranked higher on Google than those with fewer reviews. The number of people for whom negative reviews are a driving force dropped 28% between 2016 and 2017 according to a study by BrightLocal.

While people are still more likely to visit a business based on positive reviews, they are less likely to avoid a business based on negative reviews. In fact, for many people, the response to negative reviews is more important than the content of the reviews themselves.


Negative reviews aren’t the end of the world. With the right follow-up, they can be the boost your business needs. These provide an opportunity to show your customers and future customers just how much you care. Negative reviews are an opportunity to learn, create something new, and turn one negative experience to consistent business. But, more than anything else, reviews are a way for you to be found online so your business can grow.


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